To find out more information about Preston Worley’s stance on various issues within District 7, follow the links below to surveys and questionnaires.
The ARC of KY Survey Responses with Preston Worley
What will you do to improve Community Accessibility for people with disabilities? This includes improvements in accessibility to government buildings, state and city parks, restaurants, theaters, retailers, community spaces and more. How can you ensure that these types of locations are meeting ADA Compliance?
Will you create more parking and more adequate parking? Will you build more recreation centers for people with disabilities?
I will work with our ADA task force and our LFUCG Commission for People with Disabilities to make sure we are consistently analyzing the need for these types of improvements and responding to those needs accordingly; whether it is with funding or legislation that protects our disabled community, I will advocate for both.
How will you improve transportation for people with disabilities? Will you create transportation options that are available 24 hours a day? Transportation that is accessible across county lines and reaching more rural areas? Transportation that allow the rider more flexibility in scheduling and shorter wait times?
I recently met with Carrie Butler, General Manager of LexTran, to discuss how we as a community can improve public transportation services for all people, and especially people with disabilities. It is my understanding that currently all buses in the fleet are wheelchair accessible, however not all bus stops are. Working together with both public and private transportation providers in Lexington and in our surrounding counties to ensure that we adequately address the transportation needs of our community must be a priority for everyone.
How will you expand Employment Opportunities for people with disabilities? Will you collaborate with more employers to create more work incentives? How will you ensure that employers provide fair wages and safeguard against discrimination in the workplace? What are your views on Supported Employment and Sheltered Workshops?
I will continue to support the efforts of the Human Rights Commission to make sure people with disabilities are provided with fair wages and safeguards against work place discrimination. I am in favor of having both Supported Employment and Sheltered Workshops as opportunities for people with disabilities. Groups such as OWL (Opportunity for Work & Learning) provide much needed job opportunities for this clientele. We need to have more programs like this and also work with all employers to encourage them to utilize more people with disabilities.
What will you do to improve housing and living conditions for people with disabilities? Will you increase accessibility to technological assistance that will help people live more independently? Will you protect people from discrimination when seeking housing, and entering into a lease, mortgage or loan agreement? Will you create housing for people that is ADA Compliant and located in safe areas, with access to transportation, stores and enjoyable activities? Will you build high quality care homes, for people of all ages that require skilled nursing?
I recently met with Kristina Stambaugh, Administrator of Aging Services and Disability Support to learn more about the housing programs the Commission for People with Disabilities and the Senior Services Commission would like to implement so that individuals need in-home care can easily adapt their homes to accommodate their needs.
Fair, accessible and affordable housing is something I work for in my private sector job and in my role on Council. I will continue to advocate for projects and programs that promote those values.
How much funding do you plan to solicit to improve services and supports for people with disabilities? How will you use this funding to help our community? Will you attend meetings of organizations who represent people with disabilities in order to keep current on issues, and address concerns? Will you join committees on legislation affecting the lives of people with disabilities?
In addition to the meetings mentioned above, I have met with many other organizations including the Human Rights Commission and others who work for fair treatment of all people. I will continue to meet with and work with those groups as much as possible.
In our most recent budget sessions, I advocated for and was able to get funding for, a major sidewalk project in my district that will give pedestrian access to many people who otherwise would not be able to use this road. This sidewalk will include wheelchair ramps. This project will benefit many people, including the lady in the Woodhill Neighborhood who called my office to say that she no longer drives and she needs a sidewalk on this particular road to safely access a nearby shopping center.
Will you put parent support groups and advocacy groups on committees, task forces, workforce groups and state appointed councils?
I believe the parents and caregivers of disabled loved ones are some of the greatest advocates and have the most inside knowledge about the needs of our disabled community. I would support their participation in the above mentioned organizations.